New BIM project upload interface

 -  Beschikbaar in: Nederlands

This new version contains a reworked interface for uploading IFCs and Revit projects. Drag & drop files, better organization and easily change project settings.

  • We replaced the old BIM project "tree" to a flat structure of multiple projects. A project consists of one or multiple IFC files and corresponding Revit file(s). BIM projects can no longer be nested, making it much more understandable. Existing projects have been automatically migrated to this structure (for instances receiving this update).
  • The interface for uploading models has been completely reworked (with HTML5, Javascript and React). You can now easily drag and drop multiple IFC/Revit files at once and assign them.
  • The name of the project will be automatically set based on the file name (but you can still change it, of course)
  • You can add multiple models to a project, if they are meant to be visible together. Before loading the project, you can now select which specific model(s) to load at once.
  • Some settings which were previously set on model-level (e.g. whether it's placeable as furniture, or publically accessible), are now set on project-level.

IRP bases all of its web development on the ISO 19650 standard for the development and full lifecycle of buildings. Formerly known as the BSI 1192-X. This standard has now been almost fully implemented in BIMkeeper.


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